I’ve installed a mppt 75/15 with a 175W panel to charge my house battery. It’s working very well.
As I’ve learnt more about the van and electronics I understand that who ever converted the van should have used a dc-dc charger. It’s a bluemotion van with a smart alternator. They used an SVR. I bought the van from the person who’d first had it converted.
The SVR is currently not operating as I’ve removed one of the fuses between it and the starter battery. The SVR chatters if the fuse is put back in. The starter battery continues to be charged by the alternator as it should be whether the fuse is in or out.
I don’t think I need the alternator to charge the house battery. The solar is doing this perfectly well even on grey days.
Should I remove the SVR unit? Is it worth replacing it with an Orion dc-dc so that I can charge the house battery whilst driving?