
ww2bar avatar image
ww2bar asked

Which DC to Dc Converter to use for outboard engine alternator

I have a 2005 Yamaha F225 puts out 45A max, however I believe only 27amps are available for charging batteries the other 18 amps are apparently used by the engine itself.

I am using lead start batteries but switching to a lithium house. Can I use the Victron Orion smart DC/DC 12V 30A or should I go with the 12/12 18A instead? Can that also overload the alternator? Isolated or non isolated? All battery negatives are tied to a neg bus bar.

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Use the 18. Might still be too much for the alternator, though. I would go for isolated, but I can't think of a good reason here.

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