I have Internet connectivity for my Cerbo device using ethernet as a primary and WiFi as a backup (per the default behavior described in the manual).
A month ago, there was a momentary AC power outage that shut down my ethernet router. Connectivity automatically switched to WiFi. Good!
When power was restored, connectivity failed to revert to ethernet and remained on WiFi.Then, 6 days ago, the WiFi radio lost connectivity with the provider, but the WiFi access point remained active. Now, all my Cerbo data is being sent to a doomed WiFi connection and I have lost all connectivity to VRM. Bad!
I am in Europe while my installation is in California. Can anyone think of a way to recover? The only option I have is to reboot the ethernet router by asking someone to power cycle the AC at my installation. Will loss and recovery of the ethernet port on the Cerbo trigger the Cerbo to switch back to the ethernet port, or is the Cerbo behavior contrary to the description in the manual?