
yellowo avatar image
yellowo asked

Victron Multiplus Compact 12/1200/50


I have just bought an ex-display Victron Multiplus Compact 12/1200/50 and it has arrived with missing parts.

I am not overly concerned but would ask for clarification about the fuse that is missing, silly question, is it definitely required, if so, should it be a 250 fuse like the second picture?



Thank you.


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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


AFAIK the 250A mega fuse belongs to the 12/1600 compact. Yours should have a 200A fuse.

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yellowo avatar image yellowo commented ·
Thank you Stefanie.
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bleydh avatar image
bleydh answered ·

Hi @yellowO - I’m after that same bit of angled fuse holder on the left side (of the fuse) - have you been able to source it?

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