
Nasib Fahim avatar image
Nasib Fahim asked

Multiple products working at the same time

Hi there. I am up to buy three of your products to charge simultaneously a 300ah AGM battery.. and I want to know if they can do this work together.

There will be any problem for your components or for the battery if they work together at the same time ?

Combination of products:


Orion-tr smart 24|12 20

Smart solar MPPT 100/30


Smart solar MPPT 100/30

Blues part IP22 charger


Orion-tr smart 24|12 20

Smart solar MPPT 100/30

Blues part IP22 charger

Thank you very much.

Best regards.

Also an extra question: have you got any product that will cut the battery when it reach the 50% of its capacity?

battery charging
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

@Nasib Fahim

all mentioned chargers can work in parallel. But they are working independently, means they do not know of each other. You can slightly change charge parameters for each of the chargers, so that for example end charging phase a bit earlier than the other(s).

A BMV712 (battery monitor with shunt) has a relays which you can setup for 50% SOC (state of charge) and cut (with another relais - the BMV relay can't handle high current) the battery from the chargers.

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Nasib Fahim avatar image Nasib Fahim commented ·

The relay comes with the BMV712, or I have to purchase them in other place ?

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Nasib Fahim commented ·
The other relay you have to purchase from another place.
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