
Miroslav Mendl avatar image
Miroslav Mendl asked

How to set up feed-in

Hi Community! I have MuiltiPlus 48/3000/35-50 and 2x Blue Solar Charger MPPT 150/45 and LG resu batery 6.5 kwh. I would like to start sending excess energy to grid. The issue is, that I do not see the option "Feed-in excess solar charger power" in the menu. Can you please help? Thank you very much!

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

Hello @Miroslav Mendl

You will first need to be in comliance for all you local regulations and grid compliance. After that ESS the Victron will to have a grid code chosen and ESS assistant programmed first.

After that under settings - ESS - Grid feed in, there will be options.

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