
Carlos Carvalho avatar image
Carlos Carvalho asked

Quattro Inverter in Passthru quite often running latest firmware

Hello, have two quattros installed together with two fronius AC one in AC in the other in AC out and throttled. Running ESS. Latest firmware updated.
Quite often the quattros go into passthru mode.











gx firmware


vrm portal id 64cfd9652130

Any ideas?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerESS
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2 Answers
Carlos Carvalho avatar image
Carlos Carvalho answered ·

during the evening with no sun available the quattro inverters only went once into passthru mode.evening.png

The issue seems to be during day when the non managed fronius is in the AC in and the gx seems to not be able to read the grid as well.

It rather seems to be a bug than a feature to me.

evening.png (29.8 KiB)
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Carlos Carvalho avatar image
Carlos Carvalho answered ·

The Carlo Gavazzi ET112 seems to be with delayed readings. Any recommendations how to sort it? Replacing the ET112 for a new one? New cabling? Software issues?


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