
dracekvo avatar image
dracekvo asked

Bulk/Abs too early

Hello, Its again me.

Why my bluesolar 150V/60A have abs only 1 sec? And why bulk switch to abs about float voltage.

Abs i have 55.2V max 10 min and float 54.4V.

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
boekel avatar image
boekel answered ·

It's not one second but one minute, that's 10% of your 10 minute setting.
Because the battery was already high in voltage, it did a short Absorption stage.

In the next firmware versions (now being tested) there will be more settings possible (among others: for fixed absorption time)

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dracekvo avatar image
dracekvo answered ·

I will try set 30 min.

When will be release new firmware?
Before I have Tristar MPPT. This was super charger conroller. Bluesolar is his poor brother with custom settings option.

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funkaddict avatar image
funkaddict answered ·


Boekel is correct. Your absorption is only 1 minute, however, I see that your battery is 65% SOC and that's not recommended if you want to lengthen your battery's life. I would suggest modifying your Bulk stop at a higher %. I did this with my Multi where I set it to 98% and the battery is now always full by noon. Let me know if this works for you. :)

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