i trying for days now to get a EM24-DIN.AV5.3.D.IS.P (for use with CTs) to work with my setup (Venus v2.85). After testing with different RS485 USB convertes, UCS Software and BaseBlock Comtest i now know why it is NOT working. The Energymeter is manufactured in 2010, i can read the most registers via Comtest Software but i wasnt able to connect via UCS Tool from Gawazzi. The meter doesnt appear on VenusOS if it is connected via the orginal victron cable.
I find that the DeviceID that is read from 0x000B register (according to https://github.com/victronenergy/dbus-cgwacs/blob/master/software/src/ac_sensor_updater.h) on this device is 47. In https://www.ccontrols.com/support/dp/CarloGavazziEM24.pdf this refers to "M24-DIN AV5 input
product code". Reffering to https://github.com/victronenergy/dbus-cgwacs/blob/master/software/src/ac_sensor.cpp Line 47 the DeviceID must be 71-73 for successful connection.
Also the Device is missing Register 0x1300 (SerialNo String).
Can someone clever with coding tell me how i get the meter to work or could implement this?
I can imagine that some people had the same problems with other EM24 energiemeters they are also can be find as EM24-DIN.AV5.3.D.IS.X with the same old Firmware (r.C.00). The P only stands for MID certification.
Best Regards