
Eric M. avatar image
Eric M. asked

VRM Feature Request: Custom Widget tweaks

I love the new custom widget feature added to VRM, awesome idea! For my setup, a couple tweaks would be super helpful if possible..screen-shot-2022-03-21-at-31602-pm.png

Could we add a way to use the device nickname or customize the label, in cases where they're all the same type of measurement?

I'm not seeing a way to edit this widget, so it seems once created, you currently have to delete and rebuild the way you want it.

This last may be complex, but since these are all the same measures, could there be an option to plot them all on the same scale, to highlight differences? I'd love to see my water tank staying warm while the temp outside drops, etc, but it's a bit harder to get a quick sense of that with 4 different scales going...

Again, great work with this idea!

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Thanks @Eric M.

All good ideas. I’ve passed them onto the dev team.

I raised the custom Y axis scale one specifically myself during the development process, so am hopeful it will be part of an upcoming update.

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Eric M. avatar image Eric M. commented ·
Ah awesome, thanks for all the hard work!
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marekp avatar image marekp commented ·
Adjustable Y axis is also my wish.
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