
cbrboot avatar image
cbrboot asked

Control charge power via ModBus


I am currently controling victron settings trough ModBus.
I just cannot seem to find the address for "Maximum Charge Power" in ESS. It is not 2701,, that is a %.
The thing is, i would like to adjust the charging power when some other triggers kick in. Now i need to do that manually trough the remote.

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4 Answers
cbrboot avatar image
cbrboot answered ·

No one knows how to do this ?

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tnt369 avatar image
tnt369 answered ·

I also use Modbus for control. But i think there is no address for the charge current.

I have made a workaround for me: adjusting the grid-setpoint by read the output load and add a fix offset (the charging power).

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cbrboot avatar image
cbrboot answered ·

I can't do that unfortunatley because i have an Enphase solar system that is connected to the output of the Victron so i would need a seperate metered system for my loads if i would want to use your workaround.

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mr-manuel avatar image
mr-manuel answered ·

Maybe my answer in this post could help you. It's not Modbus, but MQTT. With the large image and Node-RED you can convert Modbus to MQTT.

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