
caspartfg avatar image
caspartfg asked

A quick Node-Red Load/Heat Dump question

Hi all,

Can I just check my logic / solution for hot water on my boat.

I have a Multiplus ii with 1.2Kw of solar and 640ah of Victron lithium storage.

I've got AC OUT-2 connected to the water heater and have a couple of assistant rules setup to close the AC OUT-2 the relay when SOC is 99% and then off at 95%. However, that doesn't always meet our hot water requirements, so I also need a "boost" function to top things up before a shower or washing up.

I would like to have a button I can press that gives me a set period of time running the water heater (say 30 mins). Ideally this is all from the touch GX as it has pride-of-place on my cockpit. My thinking is to use the generator stop/start. I'd connect relay1 from the Cerbo to one of the AUX connections on the multplus. Then I can use the setting to run the generator for x mins to essentially run the hot water.

My 2 question: -

is that the best solution? I couldn't see a way of doing it just in software.

I'm using Signal K and intend to have a play with Node Red in the near future - does node red offer me anything?

FYI - my stretch goal in the future is to also set the watermaker to come on when the tanks have free capacity and we have excess power production.

Thanks so much in advance


Hot Water Diversion
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1 Answer
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

Maybe use Node Red. When it detects the rally closes, start a counter to then trigger Node Red to open the relay. The relay can be connected to the AUX input of the MultiPlus and using an assistant control the state of AC2 output.

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