
mazzen avatar image
mazzen asked

Setup question Multi Plus charge AGM with solar power overproduction

Hi! I have a MultiPlus 12/3000/120 an a 3kw pv. I am producing during the day 1500Watt "too much" energy. For this I can adjust my MultiPlus in the VictronConnect App how much AC input the charger should use. I would like to automate this and my question is if that is possible and what do I need for that? Just simply use an ET340?

battery chargingmultiplus ve.bus
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2 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

I am not quite clear on what your aim is. If your system is grid connected, you can control various aspects of how much energy comes from the grid etc. using ESS. Have a read of the manual on the Victron website. Also, it will be useful for future posts to provide a view on your system setup as that could make a huge difference to getting useful answers.

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mazzen avatar image
mazzen answered ·

Hi ejrossouw. That answeres my question. I read the manual of ESS on the Victron site. I will setup a Pi with Venus OS, install a Energymeter (not sure which one) and start from that.

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

VictronConnect VE.Bus charging manual