
bulraydin avatar image
bulraydin asked

Cerbo GX 153 error no:3 : name resolution

We have Cerbo GX connected over Wifi to internet. There is no problem connecting to remote console, so two-way communication works. however Cerbo has problem to contact vrm portal. it gives 153 error.

Whenever we reboot the device it reconnects again with the vrm portal, but after a few minutes it gives again the 153 error.

where to look for solution ?


cerbo gx
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6 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


In the troubleshooting section for connections it says this: -

Error #153 Connection problem, and then specifically an SSL related issue, such as in below screenshot: check the date and time setting of the Gx Device, and also the time zone. And check that your router router is not showing a special disclaimer, login or acceptance page, like often seen in airports, hotels and other public wifi.


There are a few posts like this one, that may have some other ideas. You can use the search bar type in #153

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bulraydin avatar image bulraydin commented ·
Hi @Alexandra many thanks , I have posted this question after reading all 153 related posts, only in one of them was the error similar to mine, it was not clear to me how it was solved. I would be glad if anyone can give an idea
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ bulraydin commented ·


Are you only connected to one access point? Or are you mobile.

There seems to be two main causes. Either the tine on the GX is incorrect. Or there is some kind of conflict on the router you are trying to connect to.

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bulraydin avatar image
bulraydin answered ·
The problem now seems to be solved, after I disabled the Secure connection option on the Cerbo VRM setting. since I did that the data is being transferred without interruption.
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Kevin Kreisa avatar image
Kevin Kreisa answered ·

I am having this issue and it’s random and frustrating! I thought it was internet related. But now I have better internet (on it now). It will sometimes log in and be fine but then will stop for no apparent reasons and the WiFi is showing connection. I’m v 3.0 (2.83 and 2.87 also did this). For clarification I’m having the same problem 153 error specifically no 3 temporary failure in name resolution. Appreciate the feedback (the system used to be 100% fine for whatever it’s worth)

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
It will still be a local routing related issue.

You can set reboot on no contact then the error can clear itself. Possibly since you say it is intermittent.

You can disable https and see if that helps.

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Kevin Kreisa avatar image Kevin Kreisa Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Can you give me more details or information? Because I can truly tell you I’ve done everything I know to do. I have toggled the HTTPS security, I’ve rebooted, I have power cycled, I’ve even run a hardline LAN to get connection. I’ve added a Bluetooth dongle (seemingly fixed the issue with Ruuvi tags and the connection was still good to the router). I have indication that it’s connected to the router via WiFi. Appreciate the assistance
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rgthilo avatar image rgthilo Kevin Kreisa commented ·
@Kevin Kreisa Did you manage to get this resolved? I'm having this same issue and have tried all the same tactics.
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Kevin Kreisa avatar image
Kevin Kreisa answered ·

As it turns out it was likely a weak internet connection. I changed providers and my connection is stable and good. I did add a WiFi dongle to help with onboard connectivity to cerbo as well

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davebiggun204 avatar image davebiggun204 commented ·
Which dongle did you find successful?
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donpacoscountryhouse avatar image
donpacoscountryhouse answered ·

can anyone help here with updates? i come from an intermitent error after upgrading to 3.32 then downgraded to 3.31 then to 2.94 then to 3.22 supposedly stable and my problem persists and now this error #153. this is a dead end road/?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


It is a routing problem so more likely a network issue not a GX issue. What is the follow on error message it helps narrow down what the issue is. Have you tried any of the troubleshooting steps in the manual?


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donpacoscountryhouse avatar image
donpacoscountryhouse answered ·

I totally disagree!! I enter router management and all my other devices, phones, tablets, smart tvs are all connected and resolving perfectly, my gx device shows up as an “einstein” device and and assigned ip address, the gx device disconnects after few shorts minutes rhat dows not let me further investigate , i am caught up in an endless loop i guess victron just needs me to buy a new cerbo gx right?!! Would they be happy with my money ? img-0960.png

img-0960.png (480.5 KiB)
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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·
@DonPacosCountryHouse What is the strength of your wifi signal? Can you connect the cerbo to the router with RJ45 even if just for a test? PS - a new Cerbo or even warranty replacement will unlikely fix it and such comments will simply get you ignored. Things you can also do is experiment disabling the cerbo bluetooth, hotspot. If there is a very weak connection, it could suffer timeouts, disconnections or even suffer interference from a multitude of things which all use the highly congested 2.4 GHz band.
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Please remember this is a community of volunteers, not a victron support site. We do our best to help so try keep the emotion out of a topic as it just discourages anyone replying or gets the post deleted.

There has been good advice, try with a lan cable as a test, don’t have both connected at the same time.

You can try connecting to a different hotspot, phone as a test.

If all else fails, the manual has a factory reset procedure which often helps with some of the unusual problems that appear.

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