
miami337 avatar image
miami337 asked

Orion TR Smart 24/24-17 (See Diagram, is this wired wrong?)

See diagram attached.


Problem: Neither of my Orion chargers will power on. (They did briefly, but no longer)

Equipment Purpose: The Orion chargers were installed to simply reduce the ameperage my alternators would send to my lithium battery bank. (Marine/Catamaran). The point was to reduce wear/tear and to reduce heat generation so I stop shredding alternator belts.

Installation: 24v Alternator (+) to fuse to Orion input (+). Orion output (+) to fuse to 24V house bank (+). Orion neutral to boat neutral. There are two installs like this, one for each motor/alternator. See diagram. I don't have them tied to my starter batteries, because my starter batteries are 12V and the house system, which is charged by the alternators, is 24V.

Problem: I managed to get each one to briefly turn on, long enough to see on bluetooth and to make the settings and see them each go into bulk charging mode - so they do work. However, after turning the motors off and back on, neither Orion will power on or show up on bluetooth.

Troubleshooting: I've tried removing the remote switch block, reinstalling it, increasing RPM to increase voltage output, checked connections are secure and fuses aren't blown. I also depleted the battery to ensure there was a low enough voltage to trigger the chargers.

Potential Issue: In reviewing the installation manual, I see that Victron shows the input (positive wire from alternator) also fused to a 12V battery positive terminal. This is the only difference with my install - I'm just going from the alternator straight to the Orion input. Is this not going to work as installed? Please see diagram.

Thanks in advance!

orion-tr smart
orion-tr-smart.png (477.0 KiB)
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

You should have the starter battery in place. Commonly the starter battery provides the exitation Voltage for the altornator to create a stator field. Although some alternators can self excite. Usually, the starter battery forms part of the alternator system and it helps to regulate the alternator output, acting a a capactor of sorts to absorb transients and maintain a stable Voltage. Without the battery the output of the alternator can hunt wildly and may output a Voltage spike or even a sustained high Voltage as it tries to self regulate. A much higher Voltage could be present if it is just open circuit or a very light load is drawn.

The Orion DC-DC is designed to work as in the original diagram with a start battery in place. It is not intended to be connected direcly to an alternator only.

Some confusing bits perhaps you can shed some light on:
Why is the alternator a 24V model if your start battery is 12V?
Why is the Orion a 24/24 model if the start battery is 12V? Surely a 12/24 model would have been appropriate here.
How is the start battery charged if it is not connected to the alternator?

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miami337 avatar image
miami337 answered ·

Hi Wkirby,

Thanks for your input - I may need to change models to a 12/24 or possibly insert a 24v battery (much cheaper option as I can no longer return these units) as a buffer. I didn't go that route because I was under the impression I could go straight from the alternator to these chargers. Answers to your questions are below:

Some confusing bits perhaps you can shed some light on:
Why is the alternator a 24V model if your start battery is 12V? Originally the boat ran on 12V, it was later changed to 24V for the house bank. When the bank was changed, the alternators were changed to directly charge the house bank.
Why is the Orion a 24/24 model if the start battery is 12V? Surely a 12/24 model would have been appropriate here. I wasn't aware that a battery needed to be on the input side as well as the output side, I thought the connection could be made directly. This is why I selected a 24/24.
How is the start battery charged if it is not connected to the alternator? I used an Orion 24/12 and keep the starter battery trickle charged off the house bank.

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·
OK, that clarifies things, thank you.

In that case a small 24V battery for your alternator would be the way to go.

Hopefully the Orion is not damaged in any way from any over Voltage event at the input.

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