
bigbrosmo avatar image
bigbrosmo asked

Battery Protect residual voltage. What... Why?

I have a 65amp "dumb" Battery Protect. I have connected a relay to it to disconnect my inverter on low-voltage. The BP doesn't actually disconnect though. During under-voltage there is a roughly 2-2.5v on the output terminal. This is enough to cycle my relay on and off. If this thing is marketed at disconnecting the load, why doesn't it actually disconnect? Why is this 2.5v and not ZERO? What can I do here to make this work like something that will actually protect my battery?

Battery Protect
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

That seems weird. In order to get a full picture of what's going on could you show us a diagram of how you have everything connected up?

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