
scoraigwind avatar image
scoraigwind asked

Easysolar II GX with VE bus BMS controls MPPT ?

I have not seen a clear answer to my question here.

If I plug a VE.bus BMS into an Easysolar II GX unit (that also includes a MPPT controller), will the GX DVCC control the solar (allow to charge) and prevent over-charging of the battery, or do I need some other "allow to charge" connection to the MPPT, and if so where do I connect that?


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4 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

a few things affect this

1. is DVCC on

2. the BMS you are using does it support DVL CCL DCL

3. do you see external control shown against the MPPT units

and even then make over voltage signal come from the bms by lowering the max cell voltage and then see if the solar MPPT regs shut down, then raise it again and see that they come back online.

there is no one answer as different setting and different hardware give different effects .

usually if the DVL CCL DCL are active then under the BMS that shows in the device list right at the bottom is a selection call Parameters.

SO TEST TEST TEST then test again - so that YOU know its working

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scoraigwind avatar image
scoraigwind answered ·

Hi Paul,

Thanks for coming back to me so quickly on this. To be clear this is a design decision and I do not have hardware to test. I plan to supply this to a customer on a remote island. I want a known solution.

I wonder if anyone can answer this. Specific hardware as follows. Using a Victron VE.bus BMS is it sufficient to plus this into the VE.bus port in the Easysolar GX? I have watched a video where the MPPT seemed to need a separate connection but Magreet is so vague sometimes...

Or will we need to jump through more hoops with "allow to charge" and how many hoops are there? Or should a find another way. Maybe go lead acid battery?



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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Hugh its called testing after you do the installation what ever you do.

If need be then use the remote on and off on the mppt regulators (not all have this so get the correct ones) then connect the remote on/off on the regulators to the VE.BMS charge control output.

NOTE this charge control output is VERY low max .3 amps so you will need the special relay that victron sell as well as you will need to connect a relay that opens that remote on/ off connection. when and if required

in my opinion DO NOT GO TO lead ACID option in any way shape or form - stay with the victron LIFEPO4 batteries.

there are always options to get the result required - sometimes its a pain and thats the learning curve and we all have thoughs-

MAKE SURE you have remote access via the VRM at all times as this will help a lot if remote support and configuration changes are needed latter

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scoraigwind avatar image
scoraigwind answered ·

Thanks Paul, I do use VRM to help my customers and I will order the extra relay in case it is needed. I just hoped somebody might have done this and be able tot tell me it works without extra stuff. And I still use lead acid a lot but for this site the LFPs might be a better fit. But your input is appreciated :-)

It doesn't look like there is a remote on/off in the Easysolar, so that means I will likely have to supply separate units, inverter, MPPT and GX in order to be compatible with the VE.bus BMS. It would be handy if the documentation mentioned this. Maybe the Aux input 1 or 2 on the Easysolar can be used, but it is not clear how this would be programmed (in the GX?). Nor whether it would work. If not then we have a big problem with wrong/incompatible equipment delivered.

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