
northcoastpower avatar image
northcoastpower asked

10kw Quattro with pylontec us2000 batteries. The system has been running for 3 years without any any problems.

Recently the system has been going off the rails, pylontecs are alarming high voltage as well as high temperature, however they are no where near these thresholds.

Recently systems running well then solar no longer exists, unless a complete reboot is done.

It's pointless setting dvcc to lower as it takes batteries to 80% and no further.

Basically the question is what on earth have victron done with the firmware to cause these nuisance problems. I'm constantly having to babysit the system's as it's affecting other systems too.

firmware update
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

How many batteries do you have?

This could be a result of unbalanced cells, there isn’t enough data here to blame victron, you could well have a fault. Can you see min/max cell voltages? Is the code current? Have you contacted pylontech?

Ultimately the BMS reports the error, this has nothing to do with the inverter.

Way too little information here.

Why is it those with the least information have the biggest issues?

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