
kiwisolarfuture avatar image
kiwisolarfuture asked

VRM mobile app not working


since a couple of days my VRM mobile app doesn't seem to be working any longer... A grey blank screen is all that shows up, and remains like that.

Have tried to re-install the app a couple of times and restarted my phone several times as well. No change.

It works fine in my computer browser.

I have a Huawei P30Lite mobile phone (Android). The VRM version is 2.2.1, updated on 15/5/2019. Is there a newer version? (my VRM app is on automatic update so should have picked it up I would guess...).

Anyone else had similar issues?

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3 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @kiwisolarfuture,

I would say VRM version 2.2.1 is outdated. Can't speak for Android but on my iPhone the latest version is 2.5.5 and it's working just fine. I suggest a manual update.

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rod.peel avatar image
rod.peel answered ·

I have had the same problem but with the latest VRM app available on App Store. It just sits there 'loading, loading, loading'. I have deleted the app on my iPhone and reinstalled twice but it is still not working. My internet is sound, the Mac OS app works fine and is fully functional. Finally I have restarted my iPhone and the app suddenly works.
I hope this helps someone.

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fodiator avatar image
fodiator answered ·

On Android I have never been successful to use VRM in the Victron app. Currently I use version 6.05 and the VRM tab always shows "Keine Geräte gefunden"
Only connecting to VRM in browser with same credentials works well.

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