
mjjbmikebb avatar image
mjjbmikebb asked

Is the IP67 12/7 suitable for float charging a battery that is continuously supplying power?

I have a 12v 40Ah SLA battery that is used to continuously power a load that draws 2A.

I have tried to float charge it using 2 different non-Victron "5 stage smart chargers" but they both get confused and prematurely go into trickle charge mode and fail to maintain the required 13.8v float voltage.

Will the Victron model suffer the same problem or will it be able to maintain 13.8v?

I couldn't see anything in the documentation that talks about this scenario.

orion-tr smart
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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

should be fine

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mjjbmikebb avatar image mjjbmikebb commented ·
Is that based on experience, or do you have access to documentation that isn't available to the public?
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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

experience the units will go to there float voltage setting and not switch to a trickle charge of some type - all Victron Chargers work the same way

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

You can adjust all the setting to suit what you need or even change it to a power supply and set the voltage required - download the victron connect and install it on your phone sellect Demo units and you can see all the setting that you can change


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