
tulle avatar image
tulle asked

Combine 12 and 24v chargers

I have a 12v system with a Multiplus, smartsolar mppt and cerbo gx. I want to incorperate a small 24v charger. Is there a small charger with or other way to communicate to the system?

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3 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Tulle,

Victron has a wide range of AC and DC powered chargers. Only those connected via VE.Direct or VE.Can provide communication with your Cerbo GX.

See the full range here:

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tulle avatar image
tulle answered ·

The only one I find is the phoenix!?

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So you're looking for a Charger that can provide you with 12V and 24V output at the same time? Then maybe I misunderstood your question. Victron does not have such chargers. It's either the one or the other, but not combined. Not even the Phoenix.
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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Sorry, not clear what you want to do. Are you trying to charge an external 24V battery from the 12V system, or the 12V system from a 24V source, or something else?

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