
sunshinepower avatar image
sunshinepower asked

Can 2 seperate solar systems share the same arrays of Solar Panels?

Can 2 separate solar systems share the same Solar Panels

I have 2 phase power which will be used for off grid, no grid tie.
There are 3 wires two live for each phase and neutral.

I would like to set up 2 completely separate systems with the neutral shared by both.
x2 inverters
x2 battery banks
x2 sets of mppts

1. Firstly is setting these two systems up this way with shared neutral wire ok to do.
2. Can both systems (mppts of each system) share the power from the same arrays of solar panels, or would they have to use separate arrays?

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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

No, you cant connect 2 x mppt to the same array of solar modules UNLESS they are configured as a master / slave pair. Then you have the problem of balancing the loads on each system. Far easier to do this using one mppt, and a common battery bank for the 2 systems.

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sunshinepower avatar image sunshinepower commented ·

Thanks for help Mike,

Do you mean it is easier to connect the two positive lines together and power both phases as one with the two inverters paralleled as master/slave (Quattro's 10kva 48v) using the same battery and mppt's?

This would allow the power of both inverters to go to both positive lines and power can be used by either line at different times or at the same time.

Or is it possible to set them up as you would do to parallel the two inverters together as master and slave using the same battery and mppt's and have the neutral common to both inverters but have separate positives where each inverter is connected to a different positive line.. They would be loaded very differently at different times would this be ok? I don't know.

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