
roachmon avatar image
roachmon asked

What would cause a Smart LFP to become unresponsive via bluetooth?

Hi there,

I have a van here with a 600ah Victron system, (x3) 200ah batteries connected in parallel to the Lynx Distributor. In Batt1, the cells became unbalanced, Batt2 became unresponsive via Bluetooth, and Batt3 was OK.

VEbus BMS alarmed and DC loads shut down via Battery Protect, I assume because of the cell imbalance and possibly because of the issue with Batt2. What I want to know is what would cause Batt2 to become unresponsive via Bluetooth? Customer has said that they DID NOT deactivate Bluetooth from within Victron Connect App.

Any insight?

Lithium BatteryBMS
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @roachmon,

one of the reasons Bluetooth become deactivated is low battery voltage <8V (voltage drops below 8V) or when one cell drops below 2V. Both cases are no good and usually means that the battery or one of its cells is damaged and the battery should not be used anymore.

However, if the battery gets charged up again, the Bluetooth module inside the battery will become activated automatically again.

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