
helios-harvester avatar image
helios-harvester asked

roll back Firmware on Inverter Phoenix Inverter 24V 1200VA 230V

Dear All ,

I would like to know where I can get the previous version of my inverter FW because now I did the fatal mistake of updating it and now I can detect harmonics from switching at a higher freq. at low bands. That before the update where not detectable.
current : Phoenix Inverter 24V 1200VA 230V A2F2 v1.30

Thank you in advance


Phoenix Inverter
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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·
a full part number (Model) and the serial number would help - ie and the date of purchase
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helios-harvester avatar image helios-harvester Paul B commented ·
Dear Mr.Paul ,

I am not on site to have a look on the serial numbers.

But the inverter is less than 6 months old.

If you know where I can find the serial number from the VRM or From the RPI running the local Genus appliance feel free to let me know.

Thank you in advance

The Harvester.

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