Dear all,
I made an off-grid solar system with six solar panels, battery storage (24V) and a 24/230V converter station. However, something is off with the charging of the battery, since it is slowly discharging and now at 52% SoC. During the day(light) the voltage increases to 28V - but it seems there is no current (A).
Where in the system could be the problem? e.g. MPPT settings, battery type, solar panels.
I monitor the system with the VRM - portal. This is the output for 17 Feb - other days are the same:
I used:
6x Solar Modules 265 Wp (worked before installation and give voltage output) (2 strings of 3 in parrellel)
1x Victron MPPT 150/60 Solar Controller
2x Beaut 12v/120Ah AGM batteries
1x Victron Phoenix 24v/230v converter (which is working)