
h-copter avatar image
h-copter asked

Sizing Orion-Tr for 2 x 40A alternators

Hi, I have 2 x engines, each with a 40A alternator and start battery. I would like to charge a 480Ah AGM house-battery and so plan to install 2 x Orion-Tr 12/12-30, one on each start battery so they only come on as each engine is started. Is the capacity going to be OK? If there is a danger of over-stressing the alternators, then my other idea is to use the manual switch to leave them off for most of the time (solar generally provides what I need) and so only use them when needed on cloudy days. I'd welcome peoples thoughts. Thanks

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

You're second guessing a safe continuous load on the alternators. Unless you can get a rating from the manufacturer, it might be safer to go with the 12/12-18 model. Also sounds as if you don'treally need the capacity of 30Ampsx2. I'd also play safe and get the isolated ones, although not needed if your house and starter batteries all share a common ground/earth.

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