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hubert asked

Does LFP Smart battery needs BMV for SOC reading?

Hi All,

Does system with LFP Smart storage (eg LFP- Smart 25,6/200-a) needs a Battery Monitor (BMV, eg BMV 712 Smart) to have proper SOC reading for the battery bank? Or SOC could be calculated from LFP Smart batteries?

Of course I assume that there is BMS present in the system (eg VE.Bus BMS) and GX Controller (eg CCGX).

In official documentation it is mentioned that it does need BMV to have SOC reading. But in another place (Victron resources) I found something about reading SOC directly from smart batteries. Another thing I found: example systems schematics with LFP Smart - I think in every one there is BMV present. But in another file (Manual-Additional-Li-ion-battery-circuit-suggestions-EN.pdf) there is no BMV present, but maybe those suggestions shows only simplified schematics?



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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @hubert,

with Lithiums there is no other way to determine SOC without a BMV/SmartShunt.

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