
tan-tonge avatar image
tan-tonge asked

Phoenix Inverter Power Output higher than Battery Shunt value


I have a Phoenix Inverter 12V 500VA 120V and a SmartShunt 500A installed as part of a 12V system. I recognize that the value reported by the inverter is not very precise and appears to only be a multiplier of current to tenths of an Amp by 120V. However, it also is significantly larger than what is measured but the shunt out of the battery when a variety of loads are plugged in therefore giving the impression that more energy is going out of the inverter than the battery is delivering. This is worse when a lower power factor load is connected.

The inverter is updated to v1.27.



Is there anything that can be done to improve this accuracy? Looking at the new Venus OS 2.80 updates, I have considered the possibility of installing an AC meter to better measure the load.

Phoenix InverterVenus GX - VGX
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Tan Tonge,

that's pretty normal. The AC load value is a calculated value and, as far as I know, only goes in steps of about 46 W. Unfortunately, the internal hardware from Phoenix does not allow for more accuracy.

An AC meter, for example an ET112, is much more accurate.

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