
aryes avatar image
aryes asked

SmartSolar 75/15 history in app is wrong

Hi, I wonder what is happening with my History tab in app. I would like to point out that my MPPT is working flawlessly and data on Status tab is perfectly fine.

Example: I've had car parked in garage for 3 days. Each of those days shows some output usage, one show unrealistically big number and also same amount of recharged from solar. Mind that car was parked in dark garage.

Ok, i wasnt really sure what is going on here. But today I checked again. For yesterday it show some output, too much in my opinion. And it shows 40Wh recharged. My solar panel is disconnected already for two days, both days it shows that some Wh of yield ((40-50Wh).

What is going on here?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi Ayres. What you may be suffering is the result of the unit not having a synced internal clock, and will estimate a day's cycle based on the daylight it sees. So not giving it a 'day' to see will likely confuse it.

I'm not privy to the algorithms it uses, but it *may* even use power to go tracking a pv source that it realizes it's missed. Just guessing now..

It really can't be expected to provide meaningful data locked in a dark shed. I'd just isolate it from the batts when in storage, so it can't drain the batts, nor pass on it's own confusion to you. :) You 'should' have a switch to do that.

This isn't a fault, it's by design.

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