
jj-o-jj avatar image
jj-o-jj asked

Smart Shunt stopped sending data

I messed with some settings, and added MPII temp sensor to + battery terminal, now Smart Shunt is not displaying its current data on VRM

DC Load - Smart Shunt 500A [274]

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Last seen 11 days ago

It is still connected as the ESII is working on bat power only.

Is there reset button/function for SS?

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4 Answers
jj-o-jj avatar image
jj-o-jj answered ·

Even in Remote console i can see that it sends data for V, but amps stay at 0, even there is some consumption (-1,7A)

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jj-o-jj avatar image
jj-o-jj answered ·

BT Blue light blinks as normal.

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

If you remove the small red wire that goes to the VBatt+ terminal for a few seconds and then reconnect it, that would reset it. You would lose track of your SOC though, so that would need to be re-synchronised when the battery is known to be full.
Otherwise check that the VE.Direct cable is properly connected at each end. It could have got disturbed without your knowledge when you were doing your other works.

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jj-o-jj avatar image
jj-o-jj answered ·

Checked wiring, was ok. Settings>"Current threshold" was automagically changed to 1A, so with base discharge of multiplusii (0.7A) it was not sending any data to VRM.

Settings are quite "fluid" in Victron products, kinda like electricity.

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