
kruste avatar image
kruste asked

Using load exit from mppt 75/15 to charge a PowerOak EB70 716Wh

Hi, I bought a use car with installed mppt 75/15 and one solar Panel 100 Watt. A second car Batterie ( 60 AH ) will be laoded by those solar Paneland mppt 75/15 or by main car Batterie ( using a votronic vcc 1212-30 ).

Now I like to charge a PowerOak EB70 System by using the load exit from mppt 75/15. That's possible ? Charging Power Oak EB70 is possible by Input

1*Car Port:
DC 12V,10A


I like to do it on this way because it's possible to config the load exit.



( Maybe it's possible to get the answer in German :-)

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Moeglich, aber mann muss probieren.

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