Hi guys.we recently installed a RS 450/100 and have an issue with production.
Firmware version: 1.08
Module configuration:
PV1: 7 x Longi LR4-72HPH-455M in series PV2: 7 x Longi LR4-72HPH-455M in series
System configuration:
1 x Quattro 48/10000/140
1 x Smartsolar RS 450/100
4 x BYD LVS 4.0
At any SOC on the battery and under any load on the inverter, the smartsolar will only produce from 1 MTTP and the smartsolar alternates between the MPPT that is producing; MPPT 1 will produce +- 3000W and MPPT will produce between 80 and 300W then MPPT 1 will produce between 80 and 300W and MPPT 2 will produce around 3000W and so on.
I have reset the RS 450/100 to factory default several times, on reset, the device will produce as 5800W for a few seconds and then revert to the issue. This occurs with and without canbus cable connected.