
olivier-hecht avatar image
olivier-hecht asked

Different Cerbo GX WiFi issue

I’ve read about the WiFi issues with the Cerbo GX with the touchscreen but I don’t have the touchscreen and this seems like a software issue rather than an issue with interference with the antennas.

The WiFi was 100% stable for the first two months and nothing has changed with the physical setup, router, etc. It’s possible this started after the last firmware update but I’m not sure of the timing.

Once the WiFi connection is lost, the Cerbo connection status page still shows the state as “connected”. I can see the network I’m connected to but the Forget button has no effect and scanning for new networks doesn’t identify any of the available ones. Any attempt to connect to the only visible network takes about 20 seconds to time out the first time but then fails immediately on any subsequent tries. This all happens regardless of the WiFi channel I set the access point to.

All of this is fixed by a simple power cycle of the Cerbo. As soon as it reboots I can see several available network SSIDs and connect to mine. I’d like to fix the root cause since I might not be nearby when it happens and I really need to connect to the system.

Is anyone else having similar issues? This feels like a software issue and I wonder if a recent firmware update caused this problem.

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I believe I did run across this issue while rebooting my router a couple of days ago. Cerbo continued to report the WiFi as Connected but there was no communication. I didn't think much about it and just rebooted Cerbo. I think I was running v2.82 at the time.

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