
t1-terry avatar image
t1-terry asked

Strange Orion DC to DC behaviour

Sent an Orion 30 amp DC to DC smart charger and a mains charger Blue Smart IP22 12/30 (1) 230v au to a customer to replace their Redarc unit that was not functioning correctly.

Initially the mains charger worked fine pushing out 30 amps as it should. Then the lights started flashing. I've read through the question and answers dated Jan 13 2019 and the feed back doesn't sound promising .....

The caravan already has a BMV 712 and 2 x solar regulators that work fine with the app, yet the app can't see either the Orion DC to DC charger or the Blue Smart IP22 .... so attempting the updates is impossible at the moment.

The DC to DC charger is not working and shows 13.8v on the input even though it is not plugged into the tow vehicle. The house battery voltage shows correctly on the output side at 13.2v. When the Anderson plug from the tow vehicle is connected, the voltage on the input side went up to 22vdc and continued climbing, the Anderson plug was immediately disconnected and the voltage on the input side is slowly dropping .......

Even while the Anderson plug was connected, the DC to DC charger was not coming up on the Android phone app .....

Is there a problem with both units in regards to linking to Android phones? Is this that base of the problem, that the units can not update their software because they can not connect to the Android app. ?

T1 Terry

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
t1-terry avatar image
t1-terry answered ·

OK, the problem has been sorted. It was the lack of an update causing the issues and it took 18 attempts to get the mains charger to actually get the update loaded and after that it started to do what it should.

The DC to DC took 4 attempts and the customer believes he has that part sorted, but it still isn't charging. This could be in the actually charger settings so we are making a screen shot photo process so he can follow that to do the charging configurations.

The library of other members of this communities fixes are great, it did help a lot so very much appreciated ... stopped me worrying we had stuffed up the way we wired the setup for him to install .... Next time we will be sure to do the updates before send the units out and then we will look like clever people :lol:

T1 Terry

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t1-terry avatar image
t1-terry answered ·

Seems the Orion we sent away must have been old stock, the one I pulled out of the box this morning to do the screen shots of how to set up the battery voltages worked first go, no need for updates or all the problems the one we sent away had ... typical eh :lol:

Great to see Victron has addressed the issues and all is well with the world again ..... it would be good if the Orion DC to DC could show current in and current out on the app .... maybe in an update ... possibly :)

T1 Terry

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