
jj-o-jj avatar image
jj-o-jj asked

Charger multiplus ii and smart solar

Easy solar II.

Its Multi Plus II has an option to stop charging at certain low temp (with "internal temperature sensor"), and SmartSolar MPPT has its own low temp stop charging option (with internal temp sensor or Smart Battery sense).

So how does this work? If i have solar power, the SmartSolar MPPT charges the battery and determines low temp cutoff, BUT if i have shore or generator power for charging, MPII is charging the battery and its temp value is obeyed?


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Each charging source is able to determine if it should charge or not based on temperature. This is designed like this in case a person does not have another component, so good design there.

If you have a GX in the system you can set it to have a shared temperature sense, then they are all co ordinated.

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