
gpascazio avatar image
gpascazio asked

B2B install on 2020 Entegra Qwest

I have upgraded my house batteries to two Battle Born 100 ah lithium batteries on the referenced MH. This is a MB Sprinter based MH on a 3500XD chassis. The batteries will be charged by 570 W of Solar panels on a Victron 100/50 MPPT controller. I want to install a Victron Orion 12/12 30A B2B controller to assist with the battery charging and to protect the 220A smart alternator from burning out. In order for this to work correctly do I need to disconnect the original battery charging connection that was installed at the Entegra factory. Is this something I should be worried about. In otherwords do I even need the B2B controller. If I do need to disconnect the original connections can someone help me find how to? Any help or direction is very appreciated.

battery charging
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2 Answers
gbzeke avatar image
gbzeke answered ·

First, I believe you mean b2b charger and not controller. Details matter. Second, yes, I would be very concerned as you can burn out your alternator if you went from lead acid to lithium batteries. You didn't say which in your post.

Also, it's possible to damage the lithium batteries if things aren't set up right. If it were me, I would be checking with Entegra. They should provide that kind of support. The other thing is Battle Born is super good about walking people thru installation issues. You leave a message they will be back to you in a day, at least that's been my experience.

My hunch is the Orion Smart DC/DC charger is just what you need, but I don't know enough about your setup to be sure, nor would I know specifically how you should hook it up. Sorry, I can't be of more help.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I'd be surprised if there isn't either a charger or split charge system between the starter and house battery. You need to check. Factory or auto electrician can tell you. You might not need the Orion if there's a B2B charger already that will take care of your new batteries. If you do need the orion, best disconnect/maybe remove the existing kit and install new, suitably sized cables.

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