
lspangler avatar image
lspangler asked

Multiplus 24v/3000 question

I have my Multiplus set to alarm at 20V and stop invverting at 19.6v During testing in my RV, I ran my AC until system shutdown. I get the alarm and shutdown both at 20.6V

Any idea why? The alarm in the CCGX says "Multiplus low voltage alarm 20.6V"

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
boekel avatar image
boekel answered ·

are you using any assistants in the unit? (dynamic cutoff level in one of those?)

Did you actually observe the unit shutting down at 20.6V? this might also be the voltage -after- the shutdown (so battery voltage rises again).

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