
rod-clark avatar image
rod-clark asked

solar array advice

Hi just wondering what would be the best solar array to put on my boat.
i want to put 4 panels on the rear of my boat it has a 12volt dc power system.
i have a Victron SmartSolar MPPT 150/70-Tr series up panels no problem.
please has anyone got some suggestions

solar sizing
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

That charge controller can accommodate a 1kW array for a 12V system.
The panel arrangent can be fairly flexible. 2 series, 2 parallel would probably be the most universal arrangement for almost any PV modules I can think of.

Keep below the 150V limit, 2 in series will almost certainly be well below this limit.
You can have an array of more than 1kW, the charge controller will limit the charge current to 70A regardless. Oversizing the array a little helps in poorer weather.

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