I've a system containing 2 Multiplus II 5000, a couple of MPPT, Cerbo GX and Pylontech batteries.
The system is configured as Single Phase parallel System and all load is connected to AC1 out of the Multiplusses.
PowerAssist is active and also a AC Input Limit of 30A is configured through VictronConnect (with MK3 Adapter).
ESS Assistant is loaded onto both Multiplus.
ESS Mode is configured without battery life with a minimum SoC of 20% in the Cerbo.
Every device updated to the newest Firmware.
When the SoC goes down to 20% the Multiplusses start using energy from Grid. They are in Bulk mode.
That's what I expected.
When the AC Load is higher than 30A the Multiplusses go into Passthru mode.
This is what I don't expect.
What I would like instead:
When the AC load is higher than 30A the Multiplusses should use 30A from AC-in and use the rest from the Battery. When the load is going back under 30A the Multiplusses should fill up the batteries back to 20%.