
michael-r avatar image
michael-r asked

FW-Update of MPPT-Control Display


I like to connect a MPPT-Control Display to my SmartSolar 100/20 by VE.Direct. In order that the MPPT-Control Display is working fine, Victron recommend to update the FW of the MPPT-Control Display to the newest FW V 1.03.

Can I update the FW of the MPPT-Control Display when it is connected to the SmartSolar 100/20 and do the update by Bluetooth as it is done when updating the SmartSolar 100/20 ?

Or do I need an additional VE.Direct - USB cable (and the original delivered Power cable of the Display) connected to the MPPT Control Display and must do the update via USB with a notebook, PC…?

This would be very bad because both cable I don’t have !

Thanks for helpful replies !

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Unfortunately, you need the VE.Direct - USB cable in order to connect the MPPT Control to the computer. You also need the power cable, this was supplied with the device from new.
The other option is to connect it to a GX device and do the firmware update from VRM.

If you don't have those cables or you don't have a GX device then the only other option is to take it or send it to your dealer and then they can update the firmware for you.

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michael-r avatar image
michael-r answered ·


Thanks for your reply !

That’s too bad !!!!

The VE.Direct - USB cable can be bought I have seen, but I didn’t find the power-cable anywhere. This cable I lost because it was not used.

Has anybody please the PIN-assignment for me that I could produce the power-cable myself ??

Thanks !

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
It says in the manual that the power cable is only needed for very old MPPTs. You might find there's power on the VE direct/USB cable.

Suggest you download the manual as well

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michael-r avatar image michael-r kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Right, but for the Firmare-Update BOTH cable are needed !
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