
rich-1 avatar image
rich-1 asked

Using an inverter/charger with a remote

Can I have the remote switch on cerboGX turn off the inverter and the charger and still have the transfer switch send shore power through to the boats house panel?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Victron inverter/chargers do not have an internal transfer switch. They do have an "AC input relay" that connects/disconnects the AC input connection from the inverter core. There is no AC path around the inverter core.

When switched off, the AC input relay opens and the inverter core stops inverting. Therefore, no AC output.

When a Victron inverter/charger is in charge only mode, the input relay closes and therefore produces AC at its output.

If you want to turn off the inverter/charger and provide AC to your loads you will need an external transfer switch so that the loads can get AC before it is routed through the inverter.

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