
izzy010568 avatar image
izzy010568 asked

MPPT 100/50 skipping float

img-0521.pngunknown.pngimg-0522.pngI noticed this morning that my MPPT went to absorbtion and then straight back to bulk. Tbh, I was quite surprised to see the volts reach 28.4 (400ah LifePO4 drop ins) so early in the day - we're in Greece with partial cloud and no other charging source. Is this something to be concerned about?

MPPT Controllers
img-0522.png (470.8 KiB)
unknown.png (289.9 KiB)
img-0521.png (321.9 KiB)
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izzy010568 avatar image izzy010568 commented ·

additonal image showing expert settings. Firmware v1.59 (says it's the latest version)img-0523.png

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img-0523.png (320.4 KiB)
1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You batteries are dropping below float voltage and trigger the rebulk under load. At least I assume that is what is happening.

Maybe you just need a bit more solar to offset some of the useage.

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