
offroadflow avatar image
offroadflow asked

3x MultiPlus 48/10000 on 12 Pylon US2000

knowing that the minimum batteries required for a 48/5000 is 4 i wonder if there would be problems if the setup is following:

3x MultiPlus 48/10000 in 3phase on 12 PylonTech US2000

Right now there´s 3x 48/5000 (with Venus) installed, but with a load of up to 3-4kW per phase and a pump connected the pump surge current triggers an overload and the generator kicks in for only about 20 sec just to turn off right after, what is not good for the generator...

The friends where the system is installed have not enough money at the moment to buy bigger inverters AND more batteries so i thought it might be possible to run on the same batts just with bigger inverters for the moment.
Though then i thought about the minimum of batts required.
Still, i have a feeling it could work since the inverters won´t be connected the first time at the very same moment (pre-charging of the capacitors), so this surge is ok for 12 batts.

Any opinions or even experience on this..?
Thanks and happy photon hunting,


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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

One US2000 can supply 25A continuously (100A peak for 2s). With 12 modules you get 300A (1200A). With 3,5kW on each phase you are at 210-220A.

It's hard to say if it will be always able to supply the inrush current for the pump.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Get a VFD for the pump. Cheaper option that trying to upgrade if the capital input is a problem. Cheaper than ruined batteries in anycase.

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offroadflow avatar image offroadflow commented ·
Nice thinking!

But unfortunately it's more than just that pump...

They need an upgrade, but it will be in parts, hence my initial question...

Thanks anyways!

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tnt369 avatar image
tnt369 answered ·

Why not upgrading with three Multiplus 48/5000 (in parallel to existing ones) and some more Pylontech? The 48/5000 are cheaper than the 48/10000.

Or upgrade only one phase with a MP 48/5000 (parallel to the existing one) and shift a bit of the load to this phase.

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