
libbelibbe avatar image
libbelibbe asked

IP67 12v / 25A Over temperature

What happens when the "Over temperature" protection trips? Suddenly my chargers lights are not on at all.
The charger is fairly new and has been sitting mounted to the same battery for some weeks now.

The area where it is installed is very confined, im thinking over temperature - but can that be reset?

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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

It will reset once it cools down. Best look at improving the ventilation.

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libbelibbe avatar image libbelibbe commented ·
Will the lights on the charger itself be on or off when tripped? Mine are completely off.
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libbelibbe avatar image
libbelibbe answered ·

I pulled the cord for about an our, and suddenly it kicked right back again.

So if the over temperature protection completely kills the device. No LED lights, no BT available - no nothing. Then this was what happened for me.


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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Some chargers lower the current first before stopping if lower current wasn't enough.. But I'm not sure with this one.

Keep an eye on it. If you change things so you have good ventilation, and it still happens, get it back to the dealer under the warranty.

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