
barker avatar image
barker asked

Easysolar II GX 5000 250/100 MPPT OFF

I greet

I did the self-installation of the easysolar system + pv (12x440w) + 2x pylon 3000c

in the console I have multiplus II, pylontech battery, smartsolar MPPT, all relatively functional, manageable, showing good values ..... unfortunately as a whole not functional

mppt is still in off mode, although the flashlights were 20% and the panels were giving 4000W, the blue LED flashes briefly as off

I tested the system with and without the public network ... without changes

when i physically switched the easysolar switch to the charger position and canceled the battery pylons in the console, mppt immediately started charging in full.

if in standard mode I cancel the monitor battery pylons and leave it on multiplus or without the monitor, mppt is still off, the consumption on AC out only comes from the battery

I will be grateful for any ideas on how to change the settings

EasySolar All-in-One
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

There was/is a batch of EasySolar-II 48/5000 that was produced with a miswiring.
But this is easy to fix.
You have to open the EasySolar and switch the cable at the remote port from right to left.

Modification EasySolar-II 48V 5kVA _ MPPT remote wire.pdf

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barker avatar image barker commented ·

yes, it was a factory assembly error, after switching to position H, everything started to work

big big thanks, you can't imagine how much time I spent on the console :-(

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