
paul-winkler avatar image
paul-winkler asked

Can Orion-Tr only charge with both ignition + engine detection?

Is it possible to have the orion-tr only switch ON when BOTH the engine detection thinks the engine is running AND there is a positive voltage to a remote pin? and then switch OFF when either there is no voltage or no engine detection?

I have the orion-tr isolated dc/dc between engine and leisure batteries.

I also have a solar charger topping up the engine battery

I want to stop the orion-tr detecting engine running when the solar charger brings the voltage up by also connecting to an ignition-on signal. Is this possible?

Would I need to add a relay to connect the L and H pins when I have an ignition voltage, or can this just be connected to either the L or H pins?

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Guessing you want to make sure that the Orion doesn't drain the starter battery.

In which case a switched positive feed is all you need. It won't start charging until the input voltage is over the start level, which you can set. Even if the solar side goes up to this level, it won't start charging until there's a voltage on the H pin and the start delay has elapsed.

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

There are a few ways to use the L-H pins. For your scenario, to enable the charger, you could either close the L-H pins together with a pair of relay contacts or you could apply 12V signal to the H pin.


If the charger is disabled by the remote pins, then that overrides any detection profiles. The solar could bring the start battery Voltage up, but the Orion will not charge the leisure battery if it is disabled by the remote pins. The charger then, will only charge if the ignition switch is on after which the engine detection profile will do its thing.

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