
tr-g avatar image
tr-g asked

Mechanical issues with Multiplus II (48V/3000) installed on side?


I have seen variations on this question but not for this specific unit.

Long story short: I would really like to install my Multiplus II 48/3000 on its left side for space concerns. I will have external fans aiding with cooling. I have seen images of the inside and it seems like the toroidal transformer is mounted to the back of the unit. Would there be mechanical issues with mounting this on its side, or just heating issues?

Thank you!

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I can't think of a mechanical issue really apart from the mounting bracket is designed for vertical. I'm sure you have already thought this through with an alternative mounting arrangement.
Indeed, the transformer will still be in it's same axis.
Cooling will be reduced, but you seem to accounted for this also.

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tr-g avatar image tr-g commented ·
Thank you!
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