
fmeili1 avatar image
fmeili1 asked

Orion-Tr Smart DC-DC Charger Non-Isolated - should the ground cable gauge be doubled?

I wonder if I need to double the cable gauge for the ground. Under full load I think both the input and output will draw 30 amps, but the ground will draw 60 amps in this situation?! The manual does not reflect this question.

orion-tr smart
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3 Answers
steffen-graap avatar image
steffen-graap answered ·

No, the energy transfer (current flow) takes place from the input via an electronic circuit to the output. Almost no current will flow at the ground, it only serves as a reference potential. The Ortion is not a consumer, but only a device for voltage adjustment. The energy comes from the battery, for example, and flows to the consumers. This means that the current also flows back from the consumer to the battery.

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

No, there is only one circuit for each side. If there is 30A in the positive then it is impossible for there to be anything other than 30A in the negative, otherwise there will be some sort of "energy from nowhere" situation.
Being an isolated version the negatives should be separate between input and output. If you do common the negatives together then you loose your isolation between input and output.

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fmeili1 avatar image
fmeili1 answered ·

Thanks for clarification

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