
Seth Nickell avatar image
Seth Nickell asked

How loud is the EasySolar II GX?

I was curious if anyone had used a decibel meter on an EasySolar II GX, or rough estimates of how loud it is? Is it on the louder side of victron inverters? Thanks!

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

This is quite subjective. It depends upon the load that is on the inverter or the charging power at the time. With low load it's just the transformer hum. With high load, the fan starts to kick off.
Then you have the substrate that it is mounted onto. A concrete wall would absorm more sound energy whereas a metal wall might amplify it.

I did not notice much difference between my older MP and my MPII. The sound is different, but I couldn't discern much difference between the two.

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