
Buckley Davy avatar image
Buckley Davy asked

Battling to get the Cerbo GX to see all Fronius Eco 27 inverters on a microgrid

I have a 90kW microgrid, with a Cerbo GX on the Victron side, an external Datamanager and 4 x Fronius Eco 27 units on the output of the Victrons. System is configured for modbus control, I can provide the settings I have used if necessary in case I have that wrong, and there is a condition activating an overide throttle function on the DNO Editor of the Fronius for when the generator is providing grid. I cannot get the Cerbo GX to "see" two of the Fronius inverters which is therefore giving an inaccurate reading on the Dashboard of the GX device. System seems to be throttling on command with the usual delay some of the time, but not all of the time. The entire system is connected via LAN and all cables tested, both sides are online. Comms between the Fronius units on the CAN protocol are perfect, and all DATCOMs are in state ok...I have read all the threads pertaining to this situation and applied all the recommendations and still cannot pick up the last two Fronius units. We have tried a new Cerbo GX as well with no difference. In the initial commissioning, all four units were picked up on the Cerbo - we had to replace three Recerbos on three of the slaves, after a surge, which was successfully accomplished. I am about to try replacing the last two inverters completely, to see if that makes any difference. Is there anyone there who can help me more please?

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1 Answer
Buckley Davy avatar image
Buckley Davy answered ·

Ok for those of you following this thread, we have prevailed and the system works perfectly. In the end we had to replace two inverters with new units, which I can only assume indicates that something else had been damaged in the electronic boards of the two units that had the replaced Recerbo units. The system had been programmed to prioritise I/O inputs followed by modbus control and lastly load management, using the DNO editor on the Fronius interface. The I/O has a potential free relay powering the coil on a relay, so that when the genset is running, the Fronius inverters automatically throttle to 10% output, which is high enough to load the genset sufficiently based on the clients loads, but low enough to ensure there is never feedback to the genset itself. Once the genset is off, the Victron takes over using modbus, with zero feed in enabled. In the near future we will get the client onto netmetering, and change the protocol to feed in excess PV generated to the grid.

A note to you all is that it is really crucial to get the IT side correct, and ensure that the IP protocols are all communicating on the same platform. In this case we allocated a band of IP addresses on a specific Sub Net Mask, which are now dedicated to solar only. This has made the system a lot more stable with the communication interactions that are necessary for such a system to work.

A big shout out to Victron and Fronius for producing what I consider to be some of the best equipment in the world...thank you!

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